Friday, November 30, 2012


I am closer to God
I don't feel like Christ
But I don't feel like a human either
I am like Christ
and I am united to Him

trying to
I am walking in love
Because God loves me
This gift
All it brings is hate from others
yet I have to walk in love
It is my nature to walk in love
That is how God flows through me

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Faithful God

God loves me
I don't know what
I certainly am grateful

I bought a new bible
I still need another
For my devotions
My devotions to God are helping
Big time

I am in my happy place
Love is flowing through my heart again
but guess what
more people are set to annoy me

I am going to try to do that thing
forgiving even before i am offended
I pray for His grace to be able

Thank you Father
You are faithful!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Getting closer to God


It is showing in my choices

The way think

The things i do.

Monday, February 13, 2012


I would never have known anything about love
Had i not mt Him
Of course i had met other hims
they always had their expectations
but from Him i had accptance

If i can't shout about redemption
i can shout about His presence

He is a supernatural God o
me i no fit shout
My Abba
I love you
Had i never found you
My life would have been empty

Everyone has their definitions of love
Me, i believe you are love
All the attributes of love can only be done
when i put you first
If not face it"s impossible, loving others the way you do
that is

But then that is what is special about love
its supernatural
i think imma let it all go
tired of living as less than i could be

Love is in me
thus i love like you
I'll love like you
and when i fall short of your standards
I'll depend on your grace to try it again

cos like it or not
there is no going back
I'm following Christ
I'm following You
so i want to love like you do

Happy Valentines day

As some brother used to always say

"I love you with the love of God"

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I love you Jesus
Appreciate all your help
Please help this daughter of yours
to always hear you.

Thank you Holy Ghost
I don't know what i would
do without you

In the world there is certainly
but in you i have peace

Thanks for peace
Thanks for the cross
I trust in you
even if i am the only one
You are working everything out
